Powerlifter Jamal Browner (110KG) Breaks 1,003-lb Raw Deadlift & Total All-Time World Records at 2022 USPA Pro Raw – Fitness Volt (2025)

In addition to the outstanding performances coming from John Haack, Samantha Rice, and Joe Sullivan, the 2022 USPA Pro Raw also featured an appearance from Jamal Browner. Seeing that he has not been competing since the start of the year, it was clear that Jamal would display a whole new level of strength on September 24th, in North Kansas City, MO. In spite of this, no one predicted that he would be in such phenomenal shape. The results were beyond his expectations, so he easily exceeded them.

Jamal Browner weighed in at 109.4 kilograms (241.2 pounds) and took part in the 110-kilogram weight class. In addition, he ended up setting two new All-Time Raw World Records in this weight class.

Jamal Browner first broke the record on the deadlifts, having locked out 455 kilograms (1,003 pounds). This shattered the previous record of 440.5 kilograms (971.1 pounds), which Jamal set at the 2020 WRPF Hybrid Showdown II. To break this record, Jamal utilized a sumo stance and a hook grip.

Apart from the deadlift, Jamal Browner also reclaimed the Total All-Time World Record, which now stands at 1,052.5 kilograms (2,320.45 pounds). Derek Thistlethwaite previously held the record of 1,002.5 kilograms (2,210.1 pounds), which he set at the 2022 WRPF American Pro.

Jamal Browner’s Full Performance

*All of these lifts are Jamal Browner’s new competition PRs.

  • Squat: 370 kilograms (815.85 pounds)
  • Bench Press: 227.5 kilograms (501.6 pounds)
  • Deadlift: 455 kilograms (1,003 pounds) — U110KG All-Time Raw World Record
  • Total: 1,052.5 kilograms (2,320.45 pounds) — U110KG All-Time Raw World Record

Watch all lifts here:

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A post shared by Jamal Browner (@jamal_b15)

Related: Powerlifter Jamal Browner Deadlifts Monstrous 483 kg (1065 lb) in Training

Jamal Browner’s new deadlift is now also the third-heaviest ever performed in the raw division, regardless of weight class. So, only Dan Grigsby (U125KG) and Benedikt Magnússon (+140KG) lifted more. In addition, for his final attempt, Jamal attempted to deadlift 467.5 kilograms (1,030.8 pounds), but he was not able to fully lock it out despite the promising start.

Jamal Browner’s Competition History

Personal Bests

Equip Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots
Raw 815.7 501.6 815.7 2320.4 624.65

Competition Results

Place Fed Date Competition Division Total Dots
1 USPA 2022-09-24 Pro Raw Championships Open 2320.4 624.65
Location USA-MO
Competition Pro Raw Championships
Division Open
Age 27
Equipment Raw
Class 242.5
Weight 241.2
Squat 733 782.6 815.7 815.7
Bench 463 485 501.6 501.6
Deadlift 925.9 1003.1 -1030.7 1003.1
GLP 127.51
1 USPA 2022-01-15 Hybrid Showdown 4 Open 2182.6 586.34
Location USA-FL
Competition Hybrid Showdown 4
Division Open
Age 27
Equipment Raw
Class 242.5
Weight 242.5
Squat 738.5 782.6 -815.7 782.6
Bench 451.9 479.5 -501.6 479.5
Deadlift 920.4 -975.5 -975.5 920.4
GLP 119.64
1 WRPF 2021-09-25 The Bucked Up Showdown Open 2204.6 596.86
Location USA-MO
Competition The Bucked Up Showdown
Division Open
Age 26
Equipment Raw
Class 242.5
Weight 237.7
Squat 733 804.7 804.7
Bench 429.9 474 -501.6 474
Deadlift -865.3 925.9 -1003.1 925.9
GLP 121.97
1 WRPF 2021-02-20 Hybrid Showdown III Open 2204.6 592.27
Location USA-FL
Competition Hybrid Showdown III
Division Open
Age 26
Equipment Raw
Class 242.5
Weight 242.5
Squat 716.5 766.1 804.7 804.7
Bench 429.9 474 496 496
Deadlift 848.8 903.9 -948 903.9
GLP 120.85
DQ USPA 2021-01-09 Circle City Super Open
Location USA-IN
Competition Circle City Super
Division Open
Age 26
Equipment Raw
Class 275.6
Weight 259.9
Squat 705.5 771.6 771.6
Bench 429.9 -474 474 474
Deadlift -903.9
1 WRPF 2020-02-01 Hybrid Showdown II Open 2182.6 589.2
Location USA-FL
Competition Hybrid Showdown II
Division Open
Age 25
Equipment Raw
Class 242.5
Weight 239.4
Squat 716.5 744.1 771.6 771.6
Bench -429.9 457.5 -479.5 457.5
Deadlift 870.8 925.9 953.5 971.1 971.1
GLP 120.34
1 USA-UA 2019-08-30 Boss of Bosses 6 Pro Open 2044.8 539.35
Location USA-CA
Competition Boss of Bosses 6
Division Pro Open
Age 24
Equipment Raw
Class 275.6
Weight 255.1
Squat 700 738.5 749.6 749.6
Bench 418.9 451.9 474 474
Deadlift 821.2 -859.8 -876.3 821.2
GLP 109.56
2 USA-UA 2018-12-15 Hybrid Deadlift Invitational Open 837.8 225.22
Location USA-FL
Competition Hybrid Deadlift Invitational
Division Open
Age 24
Equipment Raw
Class 242.5
Weight 242.1
Deadlift 837.8
1 USPA 2018-08-04 North American Championships Open 1984.2 536.4
Location USA-GA
Competition North American Championships
Division Open
Age 23
Equipment Raw
Class 242.5
Weight 238.5
Squat 672.4
Bench 446.4
Deadlift 865.3
GLP 109.59
DD CPU 2017-05-27 Toronto Pro Supershow Open
Location Canada-ON
Competition Toronto Pro Supershow
Division Open
Age 22
Equipment Raw
Class 231.5
Weight 230.6
Squat -606.3 606.3 -639.3 606.3
Bench 385.8 402.3 -413.4 402.3
Deadlift 735.2 777.1 -804.7 777.1
1 NAPF 2017-03-03 Arnold A7 Bar Grip Pro Raw Challenge Juniors 1813.3 500.77
Location USA-OH
Competition Arnold A7 Bar Grip Pro Raw Challenge
Division Juniors
Age 22
Equipment Raw
Class 231.5
Weight 226.2
Squat 606.3 633.8 650.4 650.4
Bench 369.3 385.8 -402.3 385.8
Deadlift 700 744.1 777.1 777.1
GLP 102.65
1 NAPF 2017-03-03 Arnold A7 Bar Grip Pro Raw Challenge Open 1813.3 500.77
Location USA-OH
Competition Arnold A7 Bar Grip Pro Raw Challenge
Division Open
Age 22
Equipment Raw
Class 231.5
Weight 226.2
Squat 606.3 633.8 650.4 650.4
Bench 369.3 385.8 -402.3 385.8
Deadlift 700 744.1 777.1 777.1
GLP 102.65
5 USAPL 2016-10-13 Raw Nationals MR-O 1741.6 478.11
Location USA-GA
Competition Raw Nationals
Division MR-O
Age 22
Equipment Raw
Class 231.5
Weight 229.5
Squat 562.2 595.2 622.8 622.8
Bench 352.7 374.8 396.8 396.8
Deadlift 661.4 694.5 722 722
GLP 97.93
2 USAPL 2016-10-13 Raw Nationals MR-Jr 1741.6 478.11
Location USA-GA
Competition Raw Nationals
Division MR-Jr
Age 22
Equipment Raw
Class 231.5
Weight 229.5
Squat 562.2 595.2 622.8 622.8
Bench 352.7 374.8 396.8 396.8
Deadlift 661.4 694.5 722 722
GLP 97.93
1 USAPL 2016-07-23 Border Bash Alabama vs Georgia MR-Jr 1603.9 441.33
Location USA-AL
Competition Border Bash Alabama vs Georgia
Division MR-Jr
Age 21
Equipment Raw
Class 231.5
Weight 228.2
Squat 518.1 534.6 556.7 556.7
Bench 352.7 363.8 380.3 380.3
Deadlift 606.3 633.8 666.9 666.9
GLP 90.43
1 USAPL 2016-07-23 Border Bash Alabama vs Georgia MR-O 1603.9 441.33
Location USA-AL
Competition Border Bash Alabama vs Georgia
Division MR-O
Age 21
Equipment Raw
Class 231.5
Weight 228.2
Squat 518.1 534.6 556.7 556.7
Bench 352.7 363.8 380.3 380.3
Deadlift 606.3 633.8 666.9 666.9
GLP 90.43

Data Source: Open Powerlifting. Last Updated: August 17, 2023

'); let $rawDataRows = $this.parents('.pls-wrapper').find('.competitions .competition_row'); let rawData = []; $rawDataRows.each((i, e) => { e = $(e) let ne = e.next(); let row = {}; row.Date = e.find('.date').length ? e.find('.date').text() : null; row.MeetName = e.find('.meetname').length ? e.find('.meetname').text() : null; row.Federation = e.find('.federation').length ? e.find('.federation').text() : null; row.Best4SquatKg = ne.find('.best4squat').length ? ne.find('.best4squat').text().trim() : null; row.Best4BenchKg = ne.find('.best4bench').length ? ne.find('.best4bench').text().trim() : null; row.Best4DeadliftKg = ne.find('.best4deadlift').length ? ne.find('.best4deadlift').text().trim() : null; row.TotalKg = e.find('.total').length ? e.find('.total').text() : null; row.Dots = e.find('.dots').length ? e.find('.dots').text() : null; rawData.push(row); }); $.getScript('https://fitnessvolt.com/wp-content/plugins/powerlifting-stats-plugin/assets/js/' + 'loadChart.bundle.min.js', res => { loadChart($charts, rawData); }); }); });});

Jamal Browner has been competing for the past six years and he had 15 appearances prior to the 2022 USPA Pro Raw. In addition, he managed to win ten out of those 15. He has obviously achieved a lot, but it seems that this is the pinnacle of his career.

Now that he has reached the 1,000-pound milestone, what happens next for Jamal Browner will be interesting to see. If he achieved half a ton in the near future, he would be considered one of the greatest of all time.

If you have any questions or need further clarification about this news, please leave a comment below, and Andrew will get back to you as soon as possible.

Powerlifter Jamal Browner (110KG) Breaks 1,003-lb Raw Deadlift & Total All-Time World Records at 2022 USPA Pro Raw – Fitness Volt (2025)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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